• You can find answers to frequently asked questions about Greyd.Suite here.

No, you don’t need a theme, since Greyd.Suite comes with a block theme (Full Site Editing) itself. However, you CAN of course use Greyd.Suite features in combination with another block theme.

You are completely flexible in terms of hosting and can host your Greyd.Suite website with any WordPress hoster. We do have a cooperation with wildcloud, who offer cloud-based managed hosting. We highly recommend wildcould’s scalable multi-tenant solution, especially when it comes to large website systems.

The Greyd.Suite backend as well as all tutorials in our Helpcenter are currently available in English and German. You can select your language in the WordPress settings.

Yes, you can test most Greyd.Suite features without time limitation. You only need a license if you want to publish your website without the Greyd.Suite watermark or if you want to work with some of our advanced features.

Download Greyd.Suite

You can pay via credit card (Paypal & Stripe). Customers within the EU can also pay with SEPA.

If you’re using the free trial, you can upgrade to any license at any time. If you already have a subscription and you want to upgrade it, please contact us.

Explore Plans

Please visit our Pricing page, where you will find detailed information and FAQ on all our plans.

You will get one license key. The number of websites on which you can use that key depends on your plan. In your Greyd.Suite backend you always have a current overview on your website contingent and on which websites your license is currently being used.

Yes, and it’s super easy! Our integrated website management solution Greyd.Hub allows you to manage multisites of any size. We even offer several features that unfold their full potential when being used with multisites, such as the synchronisation of content across several websites and installations with Global Content.

Greyd.Forms offers you numerous options to ensure data privacy. Among other things, there is a native double opt-in procedure, allowing you to get the opt-in of your users in a two-step process. You can manage emails directly in the backend, and you’ll find detailed reports on form entries, opt-ins and opt-outs.

Greyd.Forms offers several interfaces to CRMs like Salesforce, HubSpot and Samdock as well as to numerous newsletter and marketing tools. With Zapier and webhooks, you have even more interfaces at your disposal. And of course, you can also export form entries as CSV.

Greyd.Suite undergoes continuous pentesting and is developed according to strict coding guidelines. We have extensive quality assurance processes to secure even the highest IT security standards of enterprises and federal offices. We are happy to provide our IT guidelines upon request.

Greyd.Suite is targeted at anyone creating, managing and / or maintaining professional WordPress websites. Coding skills are not necessary. Since our suite is integrated natively in the Block and Site Editor of WordPress, you will find the familiar WordPress backend, which makes it super easy for web service providers, marketing teams and other parties to collaborate on a web project built with Greyd.Suite.

Yes, CSS, HTML or JavaScript – you can easily add your own custom code to Greyd.Suite to add custom functionality. You can also add global code snippets.

Yes, with its native integration in the WordPress Block & Site Editor, Greyd.Suite can be used flexibly together with most block themes and plugins. For some tools we have even developed deeper integrations offering additional functionality.

Yes, you can work with child themes. To create one go to Appearance > Greyd installer. In the last screen you will find the option “Create child them”.

Should you still work with our classic version, we’ve added a clean child theme here for downloading, so you can start right now. Just install it on your website and activate it. And with Greyd.Hub, you can import your design settings to your child theme with just one click.

Download Child Theme