Interfaces & Integrations

Use your tools with Greyd.Suite

Whether you want to connect your CRM or your social media channels, Greyd.Suite has numerous native interfaces and is compatible with your favorite plugins.

Greyd.Suite interfaces - various logos of HubSpot, Salesforce and other tools that can be integrated with Greyd.Suite


HubSpot logo


Sync your data from Greyd.Forms and/or your WooCommerce store with your CRM to optimally integrate your Greyd.Suite website with marketing, sales and customer service processes.

Salesforce logo


Our integrated form generator, Greyd.Forms, has a native interface with Salesforce. Form entries can be turned into Salesforce leads in just a few clicks.

Zapier logo


A few clicks are all it takes to connect your forms to over 2,000 applications. Our interface to the โ€œWebhooks by Zapierโ€ makes it possible.

Lottie logo


Include Lottie animations on your site and easily set page speed optimized behavior with just a few clicks.

Rapidmail logo


Connect your newsletter tool with Greyd.Forms to include leads from forms in your mailing list and send them individually tailored newsletters.

Webhook logo


Create your own interfaces to your individual tools without coding. With webhooks, itโ€™s super easy!

Zoom logo

Zoom Webinar

Use Greyd.Forms to manage registrations for your Zoom webinars. Dates and webinar information can be displayed dynamically.

Mailchimp logo


Link your Mailchimp account to create form entries directly as contacts in Mailchimp, add them to Mailchimp mailing lists and send customized mailings.

Mailjet logo


Link your newsletter tool with Greyd.Suite. Create marketing emails in a team, send personalised autoresponders and design responsive registration forms via drag & drop.

Samdock logo


Easily connect your CRM Samdock with Greyd.Suite. Synchronize form requests and manage your leads & deals.

Uberall logo


Connect and sync your Uberall Locations (stores, subsidiaries, etc.) with Greyd.Suite and integrate them via Custom Post Type on your website.


For the following tools, we have made technical code adjustments and/or developed features to create an integrated functionality with the Greyd.Suite.

wildcloud logo


Benefit from the headless features of Greyd.Suite without being tied to multisites.

  • Cloud-based multi-tenant hosting
    With the combination of Greyd.Suite and wildcloud you can both manage code and content centrally for any number of websites.

  • Automated tenant synchronisation
    Weโ€™ve automated the site connection to the master site, so that each new child tenant is automatically connected to the master tenant. Also as soon as a new tenant is created, all linked post are automatically updated and connected to each root post.

  • Dashboard
    We’ve created a new wildcloud status dashboard inside the Global Content menu. If you are on wildcloud, this is automatically recognized and you can see the dashboard. From here you can view your status, link all your posts to the master or find more information on the integration.

  • Plugin updates & tests
    Whether its new updates or changes you want to test before rolling them out on hundreds of websites – with wildcould you`re on the safe side. You can safely improve and add plugins and themes in an isolated clone of your application called a โ€œversionโ€, test, then move all sites there.

WPML logo


Greyd.Suite contains several optimisations for the multilingual plugin WPML, with these you can better display individual posts and entire website systems in different languages.

  • Page translation
    When translating pages, the corresponding variants of languages of forms, templates, etc. are automatically inserted.

  • Clear presentation
    Clear display of the available language variants when integrating templates, forms, popups, etc.

  • Import & export of translations
    Translations can be included when importing & exporting content.

  • Automatic synchronisation
    If content is published on various websites with Global Content, all variants of languages can be synchronised automatically.

  • Error prevention
    Numerous options to avoid errors when managing multilingual content with using Global Content.

Yoast SEO

SEO optimizing your website is now even easier. In Greyd.Suite, you will benefit from our optimized integration of the Yoast SEO plugin.

  • Active visibility notifications
    With Greyd.Suite youโ€™ll never forget to uncheck โ€œno indexโ€œ (and keep search engines from finding your website) again. Weโ€™ll let you know!

  • Optimized sitemap
    With the optimized Greyd.Suite sitemap, you no longer have to hide categories and keywords from Google individually in the Yoast settings. Also, your Dynamic Post Types will automatically show up in frontend searches, and thus can be found by users who use a search field on your site.


For this popular page speed optimization plugin, Greyd.Suite offers you an optimized integration with the following benefits:

  • Default settings for optimal configuration
    No need to adjust complex options individually.

  • Automatic cache clearing
    No need to clear cache manually.

WooCommerce logo


Integrating a WooCommerce store on your website is now even easier with Greyd.Suite! (Currently only available in the classic version)

  • Global Design Settings
    Button stylings, fonts, etc. are automatically adjusted to your Customizer settings

  • Design Edits Without CSS
    Custom styling and layout of shop-, product- and account pages without writing a single line of CSS, intuitively with the Block Editor

  • Dynamic Tags
    Dynamic integration of prices, Add-to-Cart buttons etc. in post overviews and other blocks

  • Native Integration of Direct Checkout Button
    With numerous options like redirects, stylings & different shopping cart settings

  • Page Speed Optimization
    Easily disable WooCommerce scripts & styles on regular pages

Missing anything?

Your CRM or an important marketing tool is not included in this list? No problem! Feel free to contact us so we can add an interface for you.