Greyd.Suite for multiple sites

Build digital experience platforms

Greyd.Suite is the first WordPress suite that allows you to implement even the most complex digital platforms with numerous websites and systems without coding.

Backend visualization of Global Content

Many websites โ€“ one platform

Manage all your websites โ€“ single sites and multisites โ€“ from one central management interface in Greyd.Hub. Benefit from time-saving admin features like 1-click migration, global backups and numerous import/export options.

Backend visualization of Greyd.Hub website management platform

Synchronize content

Whether it’s blog posts, forms or templates โ€“ with Global Content you can connect and synchronize any website element with other sites, even across installations. So you can customize hundreds of websites at once with just one click.

Separation of content & design

Create dynamic section templates that you can use across websites with different content. The design automatically adapts to any website and no WordPress knowledge is required for content maintenance.

Overview of settings for Dynamic Templates
Website with a search field and visualisation of an admin panel

Connected content

Turn individual websites into a smart website system! For example, integrate content from website A into the front-end search results of website B. Or use custom post types across multiple websites โ€“ with the same or different content. The possibilities are almost unlimited!

Integrated systems

CRMs, marketing tools, shop systems โ€“ Greyd.Suite websites seamlessly integrate into corporate processes via numerous interfaces and integrations. Thanks to the native integration in the WordPress Block Editor, you can also use the Suite flexibly with other tools.

A website in the background and several connected tools and WordPress logos