Greyd.Suite for websites

Create professional websites efficiently

No matter if onepager or huge website โ€“ with Greyd.Suite you benefit from the latest WordPress features and create even complex projects without development, pagebuilder or plugins.

Collection of patterns

Huge time saver

Fully customize your pages and benefit from numerous templates for forms, sections or entire pages that automatically adapt to your design settings.

Visual builder

Greyd.Suite makes the WordPress Block Editor even better. With 100% global styles, full control over your responsive layout and numerous additional and advanced blocks.

All-in-one suite

Whether itโ€™s forms with double opt-in, individual popups, content automation or admin functions โ€“ Greyd.Suite is an all-in-one solution that provides you with everything you need for professional websites.

Dynamic Templates

Discover a completely new way of working in WordPress. Content & design are completely separated, allowing you to use the same template in different places with different content.

Overview of settings for Dynamic Templates

Custom post types

Whether employees, FAQs or events โ€“ custom post types and taxonomies make content maintenance in Greyd.Suite easier than ever before. The possibilities in the frontend are almost unlimited: From sliders and interactive searches to detailed filter and sorting functions.