Known issues

  • We inform you about Known Issues for the current version of Greyd.Suite.


  • The default gap in between columns leads to the bootstrap grid sometimes unexpectingly breaking into multiple rows. An easy solution is to set the gap to zero in the sidebar settings tab. We are working on a more satisfying solution.
  • The content block displays the message „Block cannot be used in itself“ when used inside a query loop outside of the site editor. This is a known core issue and does not affect the frontend.
  • Blocks with interactivity in the frontend, like form block, search blocks, the hotpot or popover often appear to be crashed on loading the editor. This happens when you switch between languages in multilingual websites. The reason is, that default text, like ‘please select’, are saved in the post content. An easy solution is to use the Greyd Editor Helper (top right eye-icon) and solve all blocks with a click of a button. But we are working on a better solution.
  • The new query loop features available in the Gutenberg Plugin, like the option ‘force new pageload’ are not yet supported
  • New Sticky, Fixed & Pinned Box:
    • Inside the block editor the preview is not working properly
  • New Popover Block:
    • Preview of popover, offcanvas and overlay menus is not always working properly inside the Classic version


  • When updating the Hub from old versions it can lead to a fatal error: Cannot redeclare is_greyd_blocks(). Try updating the classic theme first.
  • The Full Site Editing version of Greyd.Suite is generally not compatible with WordPress 5.8 and lower.

Global Styles

  • Tables & notices cannot be globally designed yet like they used to be able to in the Classic version.
  • Note: The grid works differently now – it was adjusted to be closer to the WP core. We recommend watching the tutorial.

Patterns & Templates

  • More content patterns and example will be added very soon. Stay tuned!
  • All templates inside the Template Library have been designed for the classic suite. If you still install a Full Site Template on a pure FSE install, this can lead to a whitescreen in the frontend. You then need to go to the backend manually and switch the theme. It is best to start the Classic to FSE Converter afterwards.


  • The theme has not yet been extended for WooCommerce.

Converter Classic to FSE

  • The Header and menus are only converted into a basic block layout. You still need to rebuild the header manually for now.
  • Converting theme styles from a child theme is not supported yet. Please switch to the default them first, import your styles using the Hub and then switch to the FSE version. This way you can properly convert your Customizer Styles into Global Styles.
  • Almost all colors will be displayed properly but are not often not selected in the editor. The slugs of the colors changed, therefore when editing those colors you need to reselect theme if you want to change them. The definition of those colors is still dynamic.
  • After transforming your site you might still experience some Layout.
  • Font Sizes might differ after transforming your site.
  • Negative Margins are usually not displayed correctly, because the core blocks do not support them yet.