This year’s edition we’re not only coming as attendees, this year we proudly join ranks with the sponsors.
Last year was the first time we attended WordCamp Netherlands. It was a heartwarming and rewarding experience, and we enjoyed connecting and reconnecting with other attendees. We loved the location! Visiting Burgers Zoo in Arnhem is a memorable event by itself. When we heard this was going to be the venue again for this year, we were more than thrilled because it means some of us will be able to bring our families.
WordCamp Netherlands is something special. The Dutch are so spontaneous and open to connecting, which amplifies the usual friendly atmosphere of camaraderie in WordPress.
Like we said after WordCamp Europe 2023: In our web agency days, we have attended countless trade fairs and expansive expos where everyone competes fiercely for attention. We were reassured us that the WordPress Community fosters a different ethos, where everyone is rooting for each other’s success. Anne Bovelett, who works with us on improving the accessibility of our products and that of our site in the future, literally said: “Yes, many of us are competitors in the WordPress Eco-System. The difference though is that we all want for each other to succeed.” Honestly, we thought this was just a slogan. But it’s true. How beautiful, and how rewarding to be a part of that and to give back where we can.
Want to meet?
Great. If you are on LinkedIn, feel free to connect! Below is where you find us:
Want to talk to our CTO Jakob Trost? Send us an e-mail with your request. Our team will make sure you get a response, a.s.a.p.
See you in September!